I am the lad

Who always has a sense 
of déjà vu in every vortex.

I am the febrile child of Providence;
My fame is pinioned,
Not in the allure of roseate lips,
But in the sheer holophrastic chants of 
the hearbeat of nature.

I am the Creator’s archetype,
His soundalike, and the prototype of his essence.

I am he to whom pouted lips 
And dancing bosoms hold old stories of boredom.
For the sensuous part of my being 
Has been traded for half a dozen brains.

I am he whose soul kindles the sun’s flames
Whenever the clouds bring a lingering catch-22.
I am the one on whom
Love has but a tenuous hold,
But I rain affection on any lass devoid of ego’s dope.

I am but a boy
Anchored in the arms of serendipity;
Glued, not to the pantheon,
But to the esoteric literati.
Seeking not phantom patrimony,
But a beauteous future 
Only my pen could carve.

I am what I am,
My obvious flair, no need to romanticize.

Synopsis: This poem reveals the true nature and the discovery of the essence of the writer. Consequent upon this, it connotes that true happiness lies in knowing who one is.

Author: Obinwanne Chiebuka Gideon (Penlord)

Profile: He is a poet, a story teller and a student of Industrial Chemistry at one of the universities. He hails from Imo State in Nigeria and adopts the pen name PENLORD. His favourite quote is the one he coined himself ‘A poet does not use the pen in his brain. He uses the brain in his pen’.



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